What is Creative Writing?

Creative Writing is an art of writing that lay stress on creating unique, imaginative piece of literature. it employs that is imaginative and expressive, rather than simple form of text. Creative writing can be done in a variety of genres, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. it can be used for a variety of purposes, such as personal expression, entertainment and education.

What is Creative Writing with Example?

Long ago, what is creative writing?
Long ago a word said to the alphabet, you are nothing but only a letter and I am a word which when joined becomes a sentence. Alphabet said nothing, but dot came and said, ‘Shit are you without alphabet’.
Word became furious and called for help and said, this bloody black dot is saying that, ‘I am shit without an alphabet’. The sentence was senseless; he too got angry and spitted on dot. Dot smiled and went away to his place.

What is Creative Writing? Creative Writing is an art of writing that lay stress on creating unique, imaginative piece of literature. it employs that is imaginative and expressive, rather than simple form of text.

Creative writing can be done in a variety of genres, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. it can be used for a variety of purposes, such as personal expression, entertainment and education.

When the fusion of ideas happens with the words a new piece of text is born. The born piece of text is either a crap or a beautiful piece of literature where words seem dancing with a rhythm of the reader’s ecstasy. what is creative writing?

Long ago, what is creative writing?

Long ago a word said to the alphabet, you are nothing but only a letter and I am a word which when joined becomes a sentence. Alphabet said nothing, but dot came and said, ‘Shit are you without alphabet’.

Word became furious and called for help and said, this bloody black dot is saying that, ‘I am shit without an alphabet’. The sentence was senseless; he too got angry and spitted on dot. Dot smiled and went away to his place.

What is creative writing
The Story of Alphabets

‘And “is it right for my father to leave a poor girl like me all alone to keep awake and count the hours of the night till the day dawns”, said this by Peegen in the ‘The Playboy of the Western World’

Now see here and below how words depict meaning in a full sentence with rhythm and tone.

The sentence spitted on the dot, what is creative writing?

The sentence spitted on the dot, goes viral among all the 26 letters, they become restless. After all, a whole language is rested on them. They quickly convened a conference and I rose and gave a scornful lecture. Sentence was not present at the time when all these things happened.

Shawn said to Pegeen: if it is not right on his part to leave you alone, you will have nothing to worry about in future. When you and I are married in a few days. I shall never leave you alone because I have no inclination to walk off to attend vigils by the side of the dead bodies or to attend the marriages in the darkness of the night. English Hindi  

U rose and gave a suggestion, what is creative writing?

U rose and gave a suggestion that we must consult grammar about the whole drama- the word has created.  All agreed and went to grammar, which was deep snoring on a bookshelf. O, grammar, get up, shout B, and listen to what the word has said. The grammar opened up his eyes with a smiling face, what happened, what the hell are you doing here? I am a grammar, who makes sense. I have heard what word has said, I am unwilling to set the things right on my own for it is the writer who uses me.

Now see, there was a dictionary lying beside grammar, she was smiling because she is fraught with the words. An atlas was also lying beneath the huge layer of dust. Atlas is rarely used these days as Google earth is on the earth.

What is Creative Writing
The Story of Alphabets

After hearing the reply of grammar, the alphabets return dejected. Word laughed and sentence also laughed. But one thing is there, you must know, this sentence is senseless. English Hindi 

Here is another piece of literary text. How words in a sentence convey meaning: what is creative writing?

The public-house looks very rough and in an untidy state. There is a kind of counter on the right with shelves on which are placed many bottles and jugs. There are empty barrels of wine standing close to the counter. At the back, a little to the left of the counter there is a door which opens in the air.

While a little more to the left there is a bench with some shelves above it. On these shelves there are a number of jugs. Beneath a window near the bench there is a table. At the left there is a large fireplace, in which a turf fire is burning. There is a small door which leads into an inner room. Pegeen, a wild looking but fine girl, of about twenty years, is writing on the table.

The alphabets feeling lonely, what is creative writing?

The alphabets feeling lonely in an elementary book are teasing one another on the pretext of what the word said to us. Although the dot, the exclamatory mark and question mark don’t belong to alphabets rather they belong to sentences. But still, they are on the side of alphabets.

Came the exclamatory mark, why are you so dejected and sad. You yourself can teach the word a good lesson. But how?  Asked W, Exclamatory Mark answered, think, think and think! I will be here for you to help. what is creative writing?

All the alphabets came together and whispered among themselves, what can we do? what is creative writing?

The V was sent for spying, what is creative writing?

The V was sent for spying, on the word and on the sentence. V became happy as he hadn’t spied on any one before.  He went on the mission riding the U and clandestinely peeped into the sentence, he saw nothing but hollow words. V jumped from U and ran back to the elementary book where all alphabets were waiting for him, U followed him quickly. V laid flat on the leaf of the book laughing and laughing.

What happened? He replied, the words are empty, the sentence has no meaning. The grammar has rightly said that it is upto writer how he uses grammar.

Now all you shake yourself with full vigor. They all shook themselves, the word trembled and crumbled down on the dirty page along with the sentence. The Exclamatory mark had rightly said that ‘You yourself can teach the word a good lesson’.

This was the story of Alphabets, that makes a word… what is creative writing?

Now please if you have a little more time, peruse.

Like a yarn is weaved and a fine cloth is made, the words can also be weaved, and the best piece of text can be created. But the condition to make the fine cloth is that the yarn must also be of fine quality. And also, for producing the best quality text the words must possess the accurate meaning according to the context. The words fraught with the meaning produce the memorable literature which can be revered throughout the ages.

Pride comes before a fall!

what is creative writing?

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