Rambagh Srinagar Kashmir Bottle Neck
This is the Rambagh road connecting south Kashmir and other major towns of District Budgam with Srinagar city. When the whole of India saw developments in every field including roads and buildings. This major and significant road left is

as it was during the Dogra Rule. That was the era when horse carts ran on this road. At present, the road remains in the same position as was during the Maharaja’s rule. And only a mecadamization takes place when necessary. Rambagh Srinagar Kashmir bottle neck

For the past 75 years, the Government of India has built a flyover from Jahangir Chowk to Barzulla and as far as the Zum Zum Hotel Rambagh, to relieve the traffic jam on the Solina Silk factory-airport road. But traffic moving toward Chanapora, south Kashmir, gets snarled for hours in this bottleneck of the Rambagh stretch. (Called town planning)
This stretch of road is often subject to traffic jams caused by traffic police taking their own whimsical approach and diverting traffic in a haphazard manner. This results in more severe traffic jams than the Rambagh bottleneck stretch, from Nowgam crossing to Rawalpora-Sanatnagar up to Barzulla Bridge.
It is a fact that there is no administration that can take care of these issues. People waste their time and money in such traffic jams. While the Government issues new vehicle registrations without considering the capacity of roads. A bottleneck Rambagh area of the Srinagar City. Rambagh Srinagar Kashmir bottle neckk