Short Story “Ahmad”

I felt the chill coming out of my skin through my sweat glands.

In the dead darkness of the wintry night, I felt the chill coming out of my skin through my sweat glands. Most possibly I was feeling, rather than witnessing the awe of the dead darkness, said Ahmad. The wickedness of my thoughts was roaming between the two lobes of my brain. I was flying high up in the sky like a Genii looking down on earth. Short Story


On God’s creation. —the worthless and mean, sucking the blood of each other. The imagination I described above, may seem weightless to you for the time being. But as I go further deep into the matter you might get enough experience to appreciate my courage. The furious event that took a short while after I found myself in Hell. Said Ahmad, an ambitious but pious youth of 29 years. Though he has got piousness as a gift from God. But still he is not satisfied. Short Story

The Master of All Things

Ahmad the master of all things, of trades, of manners, of politics, of morality. Neither his heart nor his soul craves for worldly gratifications. His pulse never palpitates for anything, but still, he lacks satisfaction. At this moment, I cannot tell what type of satisfaction he is seeking. But of one thing I am certain that he is suffering from some kind of mental anguish. People say that he is ill-omened and wretched, but I never entertained that thought. And now I too think he is ill-omened despite his piousness. At times he even has no food to eat—which the Sustainer has promised. With hunger pangs, the killing chill and with no source to overcome these, he lives like a dog. Sometimes he wonders why he is not a dog. The wretched of wretches’ is that he does not even have’ a friend. Short Story

Short Story

Ahmad Saw Four Moons.

“I saw four moons hovering in all four directions a few hundred meters above my head. and when I gathered my senses; for they lost in awe and amazement. I rotated my eyeballs in search of a way out”. Said Ahmad to Owaisi- a priest, the religious head of the place where Ahmad lives. Owaisi, revered and respected, has attained this status in inheritance. His immediate ancestors never admonished their followers and general population. Short Story

What I am suggesting here about Owaisi is not based on my findings. But instead determined by the present state of affairs of our society. The title assigned the name of Owaisi suggests preacher. In fact there are many men who have assigned “Head Preacher” before their names. The greed for money, gluttony is the motive for which they are surviving. “You have seen a meaningful dream whose end is disastrous but gratifying if you wish”. answered Owaisi. “Oh God, what you have forbidden will be bounty. And what I have read from your book mentions the forbiddance of these things. Said Ahmad in a sense to address almighty God. Short Story


 Ahmad met Arin

 Arin, the daughter of Owaisi, a young and a beautiful lady of 26, juxtaposed to that of Ahmad in the study of Owaisi. “What expectation there is from a man like you, Ahmad,” said Arin. After a pause Arin started again, “especially when a person is in full bloom capable of doing anything”. Arin took a mouthful of air into her lungs and exhaled it out with a smell of intense feelings for Ahmad. “what do you think father”, O, “certainly anything expected from the kind of guy he is”. Owaisi stops, lifting a page of the book he is reading. And adds, “don’t disturb me dear I am preparing for tomorrow’s congregation”. With this he picks up the other book from the book rack and starts reading again, this time more keenly.
His white colored face and spectacles on eyes with grayish beard didn’t hide his specious character at least to me. And Ahmad too, knows his hypocrisy and why he is impressed by Owaisi, I don’t know.
Everyone is mindful of Owaisi, but what matters is that they are all alike him. They are his followers for he never reproaches them for their doings. I don’t hesitate in unveiling the truth as Owaisi has two way money inflow- thus a puppet of two groups. He is not concerned about his society that is uprooting the morals, ethics and holy laws.
He has no solicitude for his society. In greed of money, he is less interested in preaching but more in politics. Short Story

 An Abandoned house. 

 By hearing the remark of Owaisi, Ahmad got-up and moved outwards with big strides with a feeling of regret. Arin follows him quietly up to the dark lobby of her house. The time was near about 9 o’clock at night and she hold the hand of Ahmad from behind. Said she, “I am sorry, please stay here this night”. “Leave me”, said Ahmad in a scolding manner. Short Story
One thing I never understood why Ahmad has nothing to eat when he is master of all trades. – This is the point to ponder. Ahmad repudiated the promising night and then left the home of Arin. He went through an abandoned house towards his unknown destination. Short Story
Very well aware of his timidity, he walks in the dead dark thinking motive of his being. He sat on the pavement of that abandoned house and said to himself, “what is this that made me to reject the offer of Arin. Was that, the fear of God, or demur”. “Is it the problem of my mind”. “Addicted to pessimism has sent me towards the wretchedness and the deviating state of mind”.
This vast gloom, the rancor of my painstaking thoughts has left me nowhere. He pauses with melancholic deep sigh. “The struggling soul inside my being has not yet overtaken by the deadly sins”. He stops by pushing both his hands onto his stomach. Short Story
Short Story
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