Continued lockdown Kashmir

Continued lockdown Kashmir


Kashmir is one of the calm and serenest places in the world.

It is far far away from the tumults of depression. Despite being in the conflict for more than 40 years, it is still standing firm on this face of this earth. Unfortunately, with every passing day new developments and challenges emerge on its fertile land.

There happens less positive development and more negative development. And these negative developments are exactly thrown on the shoulders of the young people.

Its people caught between the devil and the deep blue sea get traumatized every passing day. The politicians of the other states; usually meddle with the affairs of Kashmir on the basis of religion. The drama they play is only to garner the support of their local ignorant voters.
Being prosperous in comparison to other states of India. Kashmir is economically stable, and less dependent on central aid. Don’t take the increasing debt into consideration. For these are the created situations to throw Kashmir into debt trap. Continued lockdown Kashmir.

Then came August 2019 when a ‘fax thief’ committed a theft of an incoming fax. Continued lockdown Kashmir.

The fax sent by Mehbooba for the formation of government with the NC as an ally never reached to Governor house. And this led to the imposition of state of emergency in the entire Jammu and Kashmir.
Satya Pal Malik, in Hindi Satya Pal means-who nourishes the truth, said that the fax machine was out of order. And he never received any fax from any of the politicians of Jammu and Kashmir.
(So don’t go into these bloody affairs again) Continued lockdown Kashmir.
Kashmir was under clampdown for more than six months. Schools and Colleges remained closed; Communications halted.
Kashmir wriggled towards normalcy once again. But the Novel Coronavirus played havoc on the World. And the worldwide lock-down imposed by the respective world governments disturbed economic activities. Obviously, Kashmir was no exception. Since then, Kashmir is seeing the destruction of its economy, education and health…
Continued lockdown Kashmir!
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