Evolution of Electric Blanket

What is an Electric Blanket?

Electric Blanket is a gadget that produces heat by resisting an electric current in a Nichrome wire. The nichrome wire is so knitted and fitted that it distributes heat evenly in an electric blanket of different sizes…

Do Electric Blankets consume lot of electricity?

The best part of the electric blankets is its low recurring cost. These consume electricity ranging between 100 watts to 150 watts on 6 amp current.

Are there any precautions, to follow, before using an electric blanket?

Yes, Precautions while using an Electric Blanket, don’t use Electric blanket when it is wet…

Electric Blanket is a gadget that produces heat by resisting an electric current in a Nichrome wire. As the name ‘blanket’ suggests, we gather that it is a blanket made of fabric. The fabric which is used to make electric blankets is wool and cotton. The nichrome wire is so knitted and fitted that it distributes heat evenly in an electric blanket of different sizes.

Previously electric blankets were only available in Europe and America. Electric blankets are really fantastic gadgets which can warm humans on little expenditure and also these are easily available at cheap rates.


There is no major technology involved in making electric blankets, the only thing one must know is the resistivity of a nichrome wire at different blanket sizes. For example, the Standard sizes of Electric blankets are:

  • 60 inches * 60 inches Double bed size
  • 60 inches * 30 inches Single bed size
  • 60 inches * 45 inches medium bed size

Evolution of Electric Blankets

Evolution of Electric Blankets

                                           Electric Blanket Kashmir Made

All these sizes need different Gauge Nichrome wire with different resistance ratio in Ohms. Electric Blankets need to have controlled heat and that is controlled by adjusting the resistance of the nichrome wire. Nichrome wire also come in different materials:

  1. Magnetic and
  2. Non-Magnetic

The best part of the electric blankets is its low recurring cost. These consume electricity ranging between 100 watts to 150 watts on 6 amp current. Evolution of Electric Blanket

Magnetic wires are made from steel and non-magnetic wires are pure nichrome. The (non-magnetic) Nichrome is essential for making a good electric blanket. Evolution of Electric Blanket


The Electric Blankets are commonly under blankets that are used on beds under the bed sheets. Some electric blankets come in the form of quilts. Electric Pads and rugs are other forms.

As far as Electric Blankets, Under Electric Blankets are commonly used, for this reason, heat when produced tends to move upwards as the hot air becomes lighter. Quilts are less common in India, but heating pads are used on knees, bellies and necks on the medical advice. Evolution of Electric Blanket

Electric Blanket was invented in the early 1900 in England in a crude form with heavy electric components and it often went to ashes because of the extra heat generated by the heating wire. As technology developed electric blankets also found smart equipment that provided a bit of security to abrupt heating.

Electric Blankets are widely used in cold regions. Apart from other parts of the world, it also found its way to Kashmir. It is believed that a prominent Doctor, Dr Thusso, brought the technology of electric blankets to India. Being a resident of Kashmir, he started manufacturing Electric Blankets manufacturing unit at the newly established Industrial Estate at Rangreth by Jammu and Kashmir Government in 1980’s. Evolution of Electric Blankets

Electric Blankets made in Kashmir 

You may wonder that electric blankets manufactured during the 1980’s are still usable and in working conditions. And people come to Industrial Estate Rangreth for repairing and servicing. Later the technology went outside Dr Thusoo’s manufacturing unit and many people started manufacturing electric blankets in Kashmir. Evolution of Electric Blanket

As Kashmir is the coldest region of India and very little means of warming, the electric blankets thrived.  The production increased day in and day out. Today, Jammu and Kashmir, especially Kashmir has become the hub of Electric Blanket Manufacturing in India.

Kashmir witnesses the longest cold period of 6 months in a year, subsequently Kashmiris became the experts in manufacturing the electric blankets in the world.  Kashmir is the largest exporter of electric blankets to neighboring countries like Nepal and Bhutan. Evolution of Electric Blanket

Many foreigners found the Kashmir made electric blankets exceptional to European or Chinese made Electric Blankets.

Electric Blankets make you warm in winters especially during bone chilling nights. Kashmir has every compulsion to use electric Blankets. During the minus temperatures it becomes essential to keep yourself warm in the cold regions or otherwise many ailments occur like chills and body aches. Evolution of Electric Blanket


As Kashmir is the tourist destination, many native tourists prefer to buy Electric Blankets from the streets of Srinagar, for themselves or for gifting to relatives or friends. As we all know, despite the hot climate in the Indian plains the nights there are cold during the winters. Facing such a situation people from the hot areas also found Electric Blanket their best companion during the chilly nights and chilly days. The elderly people find Electric Blankets soothing when the mild heat eases their joint and back pains during the winters.

Today Electric blankets are made in many parts of India and are sold online on many ecommerce marketplaces, but people from all over India prefer Kashmir made Electric Blankets as they Kashmiris are Experts in Manufacturing Electric Blankets.

This article is written purely on the human interest with a basic intention to provide knowledge to masses.  Evolution of Electric Blanket

Precautions while using an Electric Blanket

  1. Don’t use Electric blanket when it is wet
  2. Don’t use Electric Blankets on infants
  3. And don’t use Electric Blankets if one is ‘dead drunk’

Conclusion: Evolution of Electric Blanket

Electric Blankets are good for health, especially in the cold regions. the contraction of muscles due to extreme chill and the frosty atmospheric conditions, get released and the whole body feels relief from the pain. It has been observed, the people with the age-old body aches have found relief from these long-lasting body aches. Nevertheless, the patients still need to consult the medical practitioner before using any kind of electric blanket.

Evolution of Electric Blanket

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